Saturday, April 22, 2006

My new boat.

With an all American crew. Hooray? ...

Monday, April 17, 2006


Make this night loveable,
Moon, and with eye single
Looking down from up there,
Bless me, One especial
And friends everywhere.

With a cloudless brightness
Surround our absences;
Innocent be our sleeps,
Watched by great still spaces,
White hills, glittering deeps.

Parted by circumstance,
Grant each your indulgence
That we may meet in dreams
For talk, for dalliance,
By warm hearths, by cool streams.

Shine lest tonight any,
In the dark suddenly,
Wake alone in a bed
To hear his own fury
Wishing his love were dead.

- Uncle Wystan

Friday, April 14, 2006

And now for two years running

My Good Friday Poem

Excerpts from the third hour:

Prayer of the average man:

"Let me get through this coming day
Without a dressing down from a superior,
Being worsted in a repartee,
Or behaving like an ass in front of the girls;
Let something exciting happen,
Let me find a lucky coing on a sidewalk,
Let me hear a new funny story."

From the sixth hour:

"Few people accept each other and most
will never do anything properly..."

"There should be monuments, there should be odes,
to the nameless heroes who took it first,

to the first flaker of flints
who forgot his dinner,

the first collector of sea-shells
to remain celibate."

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My Pride and Joy

I'd forgotten the incredible power of my merged Chicago and New Hampshire libraries. How Beautiful. We start with drama, literary theory, essays, poetry, short stories, religion, philosophy, theology, mythology, and novels, only to end with hardcovers, foreign language, and of course more hard covers which wouldn't fit on the upper shelves. (yes that's right my personal library has a foriegn language section.) Not pictured: oversized books including Dante's Inferno with Gustave Dori's engravings and the trashy paperback section.

Nothing smacks of elitism and intellect like a personal library.

Recent aquisitions? Jip and Janneke, Adrian Plass, and some catholic meditation book from Marco. Yes, those are dinosaurs diligently presiding over my treasure tomes.

Monday, April 03, 2006

To my blogging friends:

This comes to you courtesy of my friend Nicole. A few months ago she told me I could organize all the blogs I read through an "aggregator." Using this "aggregator" you can subscribe to your friends' blogs and not have to surf through all of their sites. It automatically tells you if there have been any updates and you only have to visit one site. Pretty sweet neh?

Check it out

Don't be afraid, the future is upon us. Those of you who choose not to join me in this quest will be left behind, dinosaurs of an already old tomorrow. You hunter-gatherers of the internet!