My Wort Overfloweth
For the past few months I've been bragging about how I will soon be brewing my own beer. We'll for all you unbelievers out there, here's the step by step documentation.
7/31/06 The wort is made - 5 gallons with a specific gravity of 1.040. Once it is cooled (an entirely sanitery process I can assure you),it is tranfered to the fermenting bucket where it will reside, in the basement, for the next week or two. The yeast: expired, so hopefully it will have no trouble being fruitful and multiplying--peeing alcohol and farting CO2 as a colleague of mine has so eloquently put it. Now, off to grill some steak. Oh, and incidentally, the brew is a full-bodied weizenbier (a nice wheat beer for the summer for all you non-deutschophones).
For the past few months I've been bragging about how I will soon be brewing my own beer. We'll for all you unbelievers out there, here's the step by step documentation.
7/31/06 The wort is made - 5 gallons with a specific gravity of 1.040. Once it is cooled (an entirely sanitery process I can assure you),it is tranfered to the fermenting bucket where it will reside, in the basement, for the next week or two. The yeast: expired, so hopefully it will have no trouble being fruitful and multiplying--peeing alcohol and farting CO2 as a colleague of mine has so eloquently put it. Now, off to grill some steak. Oh, and incidentally, the brew is a full-bodied weizenbier (a nice wheat beer for the summer for all you non-deutschophones).