The jury is out on the new Sigur Ros cd. I've listened to it several times online and today I bought one of those old fashioned compact discs just for kicks. My viscera says it's not as good as Takk but if you talked to me when Takk came out I would have vehemently denied (for about 5 months) that it was anywhere as good as ( ). I have since recanted.
Let's face it: sometimes it's a bit hard to get that extra bit of perspective on things. We're affected by the past - the things we know and make us feel comfortable, institutions, relationships, places - there's no escaping it. I was meditating today and couldn't stop thinking of the Calvin and Hobbes strip where Calvin loses perspective in an argument with his parents. Watterson starts drawing the strip Picassoesque. If you didn't read Calvin and Hobbes growing up I am sorry.