Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Have you ever wondered where dalmatians come from?

Or how regional phone companies in America work?

What do HSBC, SBC, AT&T, and ING stand for? Do these ubiquitous acronyms mean anything?

Why am I not happy that my credit card was just bought out by Bank of America? Will this mean higher rates? Experience suggests almost certainly.

Do middle school teachers do work? I can think of one sub who spent all his free time (5 periods) learning about Croatian politics and large corporations. Thank goodness for Wikipedia.

Oh well. Today I'm bottling a brew based on New Belgium's Fat Tire Amber Ale, a glass of which I first tried in San Fransisco.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kurt. Dan Reinhold. You can blame Kendra and Ryan's blog. How do I contact you for real?


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